Facts 2016

What do the facts say about Bob Dold and the Republicans?

FACT: Dold and the Republicans voted to raise the retirement age and end the Medicare guarantee.[1]

FACT: Dold and the Republicans voted to cut environmental protections while protecting subsidies for big oil.[2]

FACT: Dold and the Republicans voted to restrict a woman’s right to choose and defund Planned Parenthood.[3]

FACT: Dold and the Republicans even said employees could be fired – just for being gay.[4]

Bob Dold and the Republicans. The facts speak for themselves.


[1] Ryan Budget Vote: [H Con Res 34, Vote #277, 4/15/11]

[2] Cut environmental protects, [H.R. 910, Vote #249, 04/07/2011] while protecting subsidies for Big Oil (Ryan Budget): [H Con Res 34, Vote #277, 4/15/11]

[3] Vote to Restrict Access to Abortion: [HR 3, Vote #292, 5/04/11], Vote to Defund Planned Parenthood: H.R. 1473, Vote # 268, 4/14/2011

[4]Dold said gay people shouldn’t be given “special rights” to ensure that employers are prohibited from firing someone because of their sexual orientation.  [890 AM WLS, January 3, 2010]

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